Twilight Base Camp farming

Twilight Base Camp - Farm Location

Twilight Base Camp Drops

These mats have a change to drop

Four of Beasts
Three of Portals

These items have a change to drop

Arachnidian Circlet
Arachnidian Gloves
Balanced Long Bow
Battlefell Sabre
Blasthorn Bow
Blesswind Hammer
Blocking Targe
Bloodlust Boots
Bloodlust Britches
Bloodlust Buckler
Bloodlust Cape
Bloodlust Epaulets
Bloodstrike Dagger
Bloodwoven Jerkin
Blunting Mace
Bonecaster’s Belt
Bonecaster’s Boots
Bonecaster’s Gloves
Burnside Rifle
Celestial Bindings
Celestial Cape
Celestial Crown
Celestial Kilt
Celestial Silk Robes
Colossal Great Axe
Crochet Belt
Crochet Boots
Crochet Bracers
Crochet Gloves
Crochet Hat
Crochet Pants
Crochet Shoulderpads
Crushing Maul
Dark Espadon
Demon Blade
Divine Warblade
Dragon Finger
Elunarian Cloak
Elunarian Diadem
Elunarian Silk Robes
Elunarian Vest
Encrypted Twilight Text
Eternal Chestguard
Eternal Cloak
Eternal Wraps
Eternium Lockbox
Exalted Epaulets
Exalted Girdle
Exalted Helmet
Exalted Sabatons
Fierce Mauler
Fine Pointed Dagger
Formidable Legguards
Gaea’s Raiment
Glorious Breastplate
Grand Belt
Grand Gauntlets
Hawkeye Bow
Heavy War Staff
Heroic Gauntlets
High Chief’s Belt
High Chief’s Crown
High Chief’s Gauntlets
High Chief’s Sabatons
Highborne Cord
Highborne Footpads
Highborne Gloves
Highborne Padded Armor
Highborne Pauldrons
Holy War Sword
Impenetrable Cloak
Impenetrable Legguards
Impenetrable Sabatons
Indomitable Armguards
Indomitable Epaulets
Ironhide Belt
Ironhide Greaves
Ivory Wand
Jadefire Gloves
Jadefire Pants
Keeper’s Armor
Keeper’s Hooves
Lofty Armguards
Lofty Helm
Lofty Sabatons
Magnificent Belt
Magnificent Gauntlets
Marble Circle
Massacre Sword
Merciless Gauntlets
Merciless Greaves
Mithril Lockbox
Mystical Leggings
Opal Ring
Opulent Belt
Overlinked Chain Boots
Overlinked Chain Cloak
Overlinked Chain Gloves
Overlinked Chain Pants
Overlinked Chain Shoulderpads
Pattern: Frostweave Robe
Peerless Bracers
Peerless Cloak
Peerless Gloves
Plans: Thorium Armor
Praetorian Boots
Praetorian Coif
Praetorian Girdle
Praetorian Wristbands
Pridelord Bands
Pridelord Boots
Pridelord Halo
Prismatic Pendant
Protective Pavise
Protector Buckler
Quillfire Bow
Rageclaw Chestguard
Razor Axe
Recipe: Elixir of Giants
Recipe: Greater Stoneshield Potion
Recipe: Wildvine Potion
Resplendent Belt
Resplendent Boots
Resplendent Orb
Resplendent Tunic
Sardonyx Knuckle
Selenium Loop
Sentinel Musket
Serpentine Loop
Sharp Shortsword
Sharpshooter Harquebus
Siege Bow
Stardust Band
Sunscale Legplates
Sunscale Shield
Supreme Bracers
Supreme Breastplate
Supreme Crown
Supreme Sash
Taran Icebreaker
Thick Cloak
Thick Leather Belt
Thick Leather Bracers
Thick Leather Shoulderpads
Thick Leather Tunic
Thorium Lockbox
Triumphant Chestpiece
Triumphant Cloak
Triumphant Gauntlets
Triumphant Shoulder Pads
Triumphant Skullcap
Vanguard Gauntlets
Vanguard Legplates
Venomshroud Orb
Vorpal Dagger
Warleader’s Belt
Warleader’s Bracers
Warleader’s Breastplate
Warlord’s Axe
Warstrike Gauntlets
Warstrike Legguards
Warstrike Shoulder Pads
Whetted Claymore
Wizard’s Hand