Saronite ore farming

Speed up Saronite ore farming

The first step is to learn Northrend Mining, you can learn it from Jedidiah Handers at the old Dalaran. (41.46, 25.78)

Saronite Ore farming can be done many places and I have found 2 places to farm them.

To speed up the farming you can use:
Darkmoon Firewater: Allows faster gathering of resources and slightly increases your size for 1 hour (5 min. cooldown)

Saronite ore route 1 – Sholazer basin

This is the easiest farm to farm Saronite ore.

Download Route – For The Routes Addon

Saronite ore route 2 – Icecrown

Aleternative route to farm Saronite ore.

Download Route – For The Routes Addon