Mana Tombs farming

Mana Tombs dungeon entrance

Mana Tombs entrance is located in Shattrath City, you will find 4 dungeons and i have made an image which shows the location. The dungeon is located in Terokkar Forest in Outland.

Farming route

If you have herbalism and mining, then you can find ores and flowers in the dungeon, remember you can mine the boss Tavarok. When you have completed the route run outside the dungeon and reset, then you can go in again. Max 10 times an hour. Remember to kill and loot everything!

Mana Tombs Drops

You will choose to farm this dungeon because of the transmog and some old crafting material.

These items have a change to drop

Amethyst Pendant
Amplifying Blade
Amulet of Sanctification
Ancestral Hammer
Anzac Dagger
Arachnid Dagger
Astralaan Belt
Astralaan Boots
Astralaan Pants
Astralaan Robe
Astralaan Shoulderpads
Axe of the Legion
Band of Sorrow
Baron’s Broadsword
Battle Scythe
Battle Star
Blade of Unquenched Thirst
Blood Knight Boots
Blood Knight Bracers
Blood Knight Breastplate
Blood Knight Gauntlets
Blood Knight Girdle
Blood Knight Helm
Blood Knight Pauldrons
Blue Topaz Band
Bogslayer Belt
Bogslayer Breastplate
Bogslayer Gauntlets
Bogslayer Helm
Bogslayer Legplates
Bogslayer Pauldrons
Bogslayer Sabatons
Bone Collector Sword
Boots of the Pathfinder
Boulderfist Armor
Boulderfist Cloak
Boulderfist Helm
Broken Longbow
Ceremonial Hammer
Chestguard of Illumination
Clefthoof Mace
Colossal War Axe
Conjurer’s Wand
Consortium Crystal
Corroded Mace
Corroded Mail Armor
Corroded Mail Belt
Corroded Mail Boots
Corroded Mail Bracers
Corroded Mail Circlet
Corroded Mail Gloves
Corroded Mail Pants
Corroded Mail Shoulderpads
Crystalblade of the Draenei
Daggerfen Battlevest
Daggerfen Belt
Daggerfen Bindings
Daggerfen Boots
Daggerfen Cowl
Daggerfen Gloves
Daggerfen Pauldrons
Daggerfen Stitchpants
Darkened Broadsword
Decaying Leather Armor
Decaying Leather Belt
Decaying Leather Boots
Decaying Leather Bracers
Decaying Leather Helmet
Decaying Leather Pants
Decaying Leather Shoulderpads
Dementia Armguards
Dementia Boots
Dementia Hood
Dementia Shoulderguards
Dementia Trousers
Dementia Vest
Demoniac Longstaff
Dense War Staff
Design: Jagged Talasite
Design: Solid Star of Elune
Design: Veiled Nightseye
Deteriorating Blade
Deteriorating Plate Belt
Deteriorating Plate Boots
Deteriorating Plate Bracers
Deteriorating Plate Chestpiece
Deteriorating Plate Gloves
Deteriorating Plate Pants
Deteriorating Plate Shoulderpads
Dilapidated Cloth Belt
Dilapidated Cloth Boots
Dilapidated Cloth Bracers
Dilapidated Cloth Gloves
Dilapidated Cloth Shoulderpads
Dilapidated Cloth Vest
Draconic Dagger
Dragon Wing Blade
Dragonbreath Musket
Dreaded Mace
Elementalist Cloak
Elexorien Blade
Eroded Axe
Eroded Mail Armor
Eroded Mail Belt
Eroded Mail Boots
Eroded Mail Bracers
Eroded Mail Circlet
Eroded Mail Gloves
Eroded Mail Pants
Eroded Mail Shoulderpads
Eternium Lockbox
Ethereum Prison Key
Fel-Wrought Halberd
Fenclaw Armor
Fenclaw Bindings
Fenclaw Fists
Fenclaw Footwraps
Fenclaw Helm
Fenclaw Legguards
Fenclaw Mantle
Fenclaw Waistband
Feralfen Amice
Feralfen Cuffs
Feralfen Hand
Feralfen Hood
Feralfen Jerkin
Feralfen Pants
Feralfen Sandals
Feralfen Sash
Formula: Enchant Chest – Greater Stats
Gauntlets of the Skullsplitter
Girdle of Divine Blessing
Glorious War-Axe
Grave Keeper Knife
Hauyne Ring
Highmountain Hammer
Ironspine Chain Vest
Ironspine Helm
Ironspine Point
Ironspine Shoulderguards
Journeyman’s Backpack
Khan’aish Bracers
Khan’aish Breastplate
Khan’aish Epaulets
Khan’aish Girdle
Khan’aish Gloves
Khan’aish Greaves
Khan’aish Helmet
Khan’aish Legplates
Khorium Lockbox
Leggings of the Sly
Lesser Sledgemace
Lightning Dagger
Loosely Threaded Belt
Loosely Threaded Boots
Loosely Threaded Bracers
Loosely Threaded Gloves
Loosely Threaded Hat
Loosely Threaded Pants
Loosely Threaded Shoulderpads
Loosely Threaded Vest
Magician’s Wand
Majestic Wand
Major Healing Potion
Marshcreeper Belt
Marshcreeper Bracelets
Marshcreeper Fen-Vest
Marshcreeper Gloves
Marshcreeper Helm
Marshcreeper Leggings
Marshcreeper Mantle
Marshcreeper Sludgeboots
Mistyreed Belt
Mistyreed Boots
Mistyreed Bracers
Mistyreed Gloves
Mistyreed Hood
Mistyreed Pants
Mistyreed Shoulderpads
Mistyreed Torch
Mistyreed Tunic
Modani War-Shield
Moldavite Ring
Moldy Leather Armor
Moldy Leather Belt
Moldy Leather Boots
Moldy Leather Bracers
Moldy Leather Gloves
Moldy Leather Helmet
Moldy Leather Pants
Moldy Leather Shoulderpads
Multi-Colored Beads
Ogre Splitting Axe
Outland Shield
Patched Cape
Pattern: Black Belt of Knowledge
Pattern: Cloak of Eternity
Pattern: Unyielding Bracers
Pattern: Unyielding Girdle
PC-54 Shotgun
Pink Sapphire Necklace
Plans: Khorium Champion
Purified Draenic Water
Ranger Armguards
Ranger Belt
Ranger Boots
Ranger Gloves
Ranger Hat
Ranger Jerkin
Ranger Pants
Ranger Pauldrons
Razorsong Bow
Reaver Bracers
Reaver Girdle
Reaver Gloves
Reaver Greaves
Reaver Helmet
Rending Claw
Restorative Mace
Rockshard Club
Runic Healing Potion
Runic Mana Potion
Rusted Musket
Scheelite Ring
Schematic: Ornate Khorium Rifle
Schematic: Purple Smoke Flare
Screaming Shield
Scroll of Agility VI
Scroll of Agility VII
Scroll of Intellect VI
Scroll of Protection VI
Scroll of Stamina VI
Scroll of Strength VII
Sharpened Stilleto
Shattering Dagger
Shield of the Wayward Footman
Silver-Edged Axe
Silver-Lined Cloak
Silvermoon Crescent Axe
Silvermoon War-Mace
Slavehandler Amice
Slavehandler Belt
Slavehandler Cap
Slavehandler Footpads
Slavehandler Handwraps
Slavehandler Jerkin
Slavehandler Pants
Slavehandler Rod
Slavehandler Wristguards
Smoky Quartz Ring
Soul-Drain Dagger
Spell-Breaker Shield
Spirit-Clad Mace
Spleenripper Claws
Starshine Staff
Stone Reaper
Sundering Axe
Sunroc Armguards
Sunroc Boots
Sunroc Chestpiece
Sunroc Gloves
Sunroc Mask
Sunroc Pants
Sunroc Shoulderguards
Sunroc Waistband
Taiji Quarterstaff
Talonguard Armor
Talonguard Bracers
Talonguard Epaulets
Talonguard Girdle
Talonguard Gloves
Talonguard Greaves
Talonguard Helmet
Talonguard Legplates
Tarnished Claymore
Tarnished Plate Belt
Tarnished Plate Boots
Tarnished Plate Bracers
Tarnished Plate Chestpiece
Tarnished Plate Gloves
Tarnished Plate Helmet
Tarnished Plate Pants
Tarnished Plate Shoulderpads
The Dreamer’s Shoulderpads
The Gunblade
The Stoppable Force
Thrallmar War Hammer
Tranquility Staff
Turquoise Brooch
Umbrafen Boots
Umbrafen Cap
Umbrafen Shoulderguards
Umbrafen Tunic
Vengeance Blade
Vindicator Belt
Vindicator Boots
Vindicator Bracers
Vindicator Cap
Vindicator Gloves
Vindicator Pants
Vindicator Shoulderpads
Vindicator Tunic
War Glaive
Wight’s Claws
Wrathfin Armor
Wrathfin Bindings
Wrathfin Gloves
Wrathfin Greaves
Wrathfin Helmet
Wrathfin Legguards
Wrathfin Mantle
Wrathfin Waistband
Yew Wand
Zangari Shield
Zircon Amulet