Akunda’s bite farming

Speed up Akunda’s bite herb farm

First step is to make sure you have your Akunda’s Bite Herbing skill in rank 3. You can go into your herbalism skill under you proffessions tab to see what rank you have. Here you can see what you need to do to get the next rank aswell. But remember to start with going to you’r herbalism trainer and learn rank 1.

-Enchant Gloves – Zandalari Herbalism or Enchant Gloves – Kul Tiran Herbalism. You should enchant your hands to make your gathering speed faster in zandalar or kul tiras. Alternative you can use darkmoon firewater, which allow you to gather faster for 1 hour. This will work in all areas and with herbalism, mining and skinning. Just make sure to get the right one with the tooltip saying “Allows faster gathering of resources and slightly increases your size for 1 hour.” Because there are 2 things called Darkmoon Firewater.

-Comfortable Rider’s Barding. is a mount equipment, you can equip this will prevent you from beign dazed / dismounted while farming. You can craft it yourself with leatherworking or just buy it on the aution house.

-Coarse Leather Barding. This is an aleternative to Comfortable Rider’s Barding but it will only work for 2 hours and in Kul tiras and Zandalar. You can also use your tanking spec if you have a class which have a tanking spec. This will prevent you from beign dazed aswell.

-Monel-Hardened Stirrups. This will allow you to herb and mine while mounted in Kul tiras and Zandalar for 2 hours. This is a must have to do fast farming. (If you are a druid then you can herb in your travel form. Then you don’t need this item unless you want to mine aswell.)
An alternative to this item is the sky golem mount, wich allow you to gather herbs while mounted, but this will not work for mining.

Akunda’s bite route 1 – Vol’dun

Vol’dun is the only place where Akunda’s Bite spawn, this route will cover the most of the node in the zone.
